Everything You Need to Know About Types of Hair Loss And Treatment

Hair loss is a very common condition that affects many people. Fortunately, there are many treatments available for hair loss and baldness, which allow you to look your best! In this blog post, we will go over the various types of hair loss and provide information about different treatments for each type. We will also discuss how you can prevent hair from thinning or falling out in the first place.

It all starts with thinning of hair !!

Hair-thinning is a very common condition that affects both men and women. It can be caused by several factors including genetics, the natural ageing process, stress, hormonal changes or certain medications.

Although hair thinning and hair loss is not life-threatening in most cases it can cause serious emotional distress to the affected person and his/her family members.

Why Welling Homeopathy Medicines for Hair-Loss in Women & Men?

 At Welling Homeopathy, CUREplus Homeopathy treatment for thinning hair is an effective and safe way to treat this hair fall problem with no side effects.

This makes them safe for people of all ages as well as pregnant women who want to try homeopathy without worrying about any risks involved.

Our proprietary custom-made homeopathy medicines have been proven effective by thousands of men and women who have experienced positive results after using our natural solution to combat their thinning hair problem.

If you want to stop losing your precious hair today then call +91 8080 850 950 and talk to our online advisors NOW.

Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is a very common condition that affects many people. Fortunately, there are many treatments available for hair loss and baldness, which allow you to look your best! In this blog post we will go over the various types of hair loss and provide information about different treatments for each type. We will also discuss how you can prevent hair from thinning or falling out in the first place.

Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it’s more common in men.

Homeopathy treatment for hair loss

Types of Hair-loss

Androgenetic Alopecia

 The first type of hair loss we’ll discuss is androgenetic alopecia. This is a gradual thinning or baldness caused by heredity, old age, stress or other factors that influence hormone production in the body. It affects both men and women but primarily happens to men as they get older due to their increased sensitivity to hormones. This type of hair-call can lead to gradual hair loss from the top of the head.

Telogen Effluvium

The second type of hair loss we will discuss is telogen effluvium, which can be temporary or permanent. This hair loss happens when a person undergoes severe stress and it’s not uncommon for people to experience this during natural disasters or even during pandemics that we going through.

This type of hair loss can be temporary or permanent. This hair loss happens when a person undergoes severe stress and it’s not uncommon for people to experience this during natural disasters or even during pandemics that we going through.

Alopecia Areata

The third type of hair loss is called alopecia areata, which generally means bald patches on the scalp due to an immune system disorder in which your body attacks its own cells as if they were invaders. The immune system releases something called an auto-antibody that attacks the hair follicles. These antibodies are not specific, so they randomly attack whatever cells they come in contact with and can go after various different types of cells including those from your skin, joints, intestines or even parts of your brain!

The good news is alopecia areata is treatable by steroid injections to stop the immune response against hair follicles.

This type of hair loss typically lasts for no longer than six months unless there is a predisposition to it which makes you more susceptible to another episode at some point in time. Once someone has had one episode of alopecia areata, their chance for repeated episodes increases up to 13%. There’s also chances of complete recovery.


The fourth form of hair loss is trichotillomania, where individuals pull out their own hairs by either tugging at them with their fingers or using tweezers. Finally, some types of cancer treatment can often lead to excessive hair thinning or complete elimination of hair follicles. The scalp contains about 150,000 to 180,000 strands of hair.  It’s also where our sebaceous glands are found: these secrete oils onto the skin, helping to keep it moisturized. As time goes on we lose hairs – a few every day or two in some cases. Usually, when you see bald patches (commonly called alopecia) it signifies a more serious problem than just simple thinning.

There are four main types of hair loss that will affect different people with varying severity: trichotillomania; Alopecia Areata; male-patterned baldness (or androgenetic alopecia ), Telogen Effluvium.

Hair Fall Due to Dandruff

Dandruff can be one of the reasons for hair fall. Dandruff is a skin condition that results in itching, redness and scaling on the scalp. This can be caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast or fungi which are present naturally on most people’s scalps but levels increase when there are other factors also involved such as oily skin, excessive sweating due to hot weather or use of some types of make-up like a heavy foundation where oil may block pores leading to infection and inflammation around these areas called seborrheic dermatitis

There are treatments available from your doctor who will prescribe you anti-fungal medication or antibiotic cream depending on what type of dandruff you have (dry/flaky vs greasy).

Hair Fall Due to Stress

Stress can cause hair fall due to the stress hormone cortisol that causes your hair follicles to shrink. Hair fall due to stress can be treated with Homeopathy treatment.

Hair fall due to Anaemia

Anaemia can be caused by a number of factors, and deficiencies in iron are among the most common. Iron is an essential part of haemoglobin production, which carries oxygen around your body from cell to cell.

Hair fall due to Anaemia can have many symptoms: you may notice that your hair has become dry and brittle; it might be getting thinner or breaking more easily than usual, or perhaps it’s becoming thin on one side of the scalp but not the other. It could also feel like there’s less hair even if thickness hasn’t changed much – this is because when someone suffers anaemia they’ll often experience thickening at their temples and forehead as blood flow slows down. Hair loss will typically get worse with age too.

How To Stop Hair-fall

Don’t confuse hair fall with losing your mind. The issue is not mental, but physical and can be dealt with through certain steps to prevent excessive loss of hair or thinning in the crown area that leaves bald patches on the top of your head.

The first step to take for prevention is a blood test called a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) screening. If it comes back high, you could have an underactive thyroid gland where too much TSH has been released from the pituitary gland due to lack of production by the thyroid gland itself.

Find the cause if hair fall is very important in your treatment.

In addition to a thyroid screening, treatment for hair fall includes changes in your diet and lifestyle habits such as reducing stress if possible and wearing hats when you’re out in the sun too long.

If dietary modifications are insufficient or don’t work at all, there is also medication that could help stop excessive hair loss by blocking DHT production. This drug should only be administered after consultation with an expert who understands how it works on men’s bodies.

Finally, psychotherapy might also prove useful in some cases where emotional problems related to anxiety about appearance cause increased levels of cortisol which leads to more hair falling out because of hormonal imbalance caused by chronic stress. For these patients, few doctors advise counselling, cognitive therapy or psychotherapy to help them cope with the stress they feel about their hair loss. We advise our Homeopathy treatment to relax and cope over stress.

Hair-loss in Women

Homeopathy treatment of hair-loss

Hair loss in women can happen at any age, the most common reason for it being hormonal changes. The signs of hair loss in women are a receding hairline and noticeable thinning or balding on the top of the head.

There is not much information available about what causes female pattern hair loss but some studies suggest that this type of hair loss might be caused by autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease and lupus.

Hair typically grows from follicles hidden beneath the surface of your skin with each strand resting in its own tiny “pocket.” In case you have scalp issues like inflammation, you might notice that your hair falls out more easily.

Hair loss is often a sign of an underlying medical condition and it should not be ignored or left untreated.

The most common treatments for female pattern hair loss are: minoxidil, baldness medications such as Propecia (finasteride) which may work better in women than Minoxidil and laser-based therapies like low-level light therapy, phototherapy, Intense Pulsed Light Therapy and red/blue LED combi therapy.

It’s important to consult with a physician about the options available to treat Female Pattern Hair Loss because there are many different types of treatment methods depending on age at onset and other factors like stage of life, including post-pregnancy or menopause.

Hair Loss in Women and Menopause

Hair loss in women and menopause can be linked. The hair follicles shrink during this time, which affects how the nutrients are delivered to the scalp. This leads to thinning of hair follicles as well as more bald spots on the head. In addition, skin ageing and hormonal changes may also contribute to hair loss progression.

A person’s age usually determines if they will experience a significant amount of male or female pattern baldness (MPB) over their lifetime. MPB is determined by genetics, sex hormones such as testosterone levels, lifestyle choices including stress level and nutrition intake etc., all these factors combined with age determine when you’re likely to see symptoms of alopecia start showing up.

How To Stop Thinning Hair in Women?

Women have a number of options when it comes to treatments for thinning hair. It is important to know the type and cause of your condition before choosing an appropriate treatment plan.

A common cause in women that can be treated with medication are hormonal changes, which lead to temporary or permanent loss of scalp hair due to increased hormone levels during pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives or menopause. In these cases, medications such as Propecia can help promote regrowth by blocking DHT production-a primary contributing factor in male pattern baldness. The most effective way to stop this from happening again would be through surgical removal will remove the ovaries (uterus) completely but there are other alternatives like birth control pills if you do not want surgery.

What Are The Signs of Hair Loss in Women?

-Difficulty in brushing hair or combing it

-Decrease in volume of the head of hair, especially at crown and temples

-Hair may be shorter than normal; there is a noticeable amount missing from the scalp. This loss can create an asymmetrical look to one’s hairdo because some patches will have short hairs while others are long.

-Crown area becomes thinner with age as well as thinning at the bridge and top part of the back where men typically show their receding hairlines. All play roles in what type of hairstyle suits them best according to their existing thicknesses and quality of hair.

Can women get female pattern baldness in their 20s?

Yes, women can get female pattern baldness in their 20s. They may experience it as a gradual thinning of hair or rapid hair loss. Some research has shown that by the age of 25 up to 40% of Indian women have experienced some degree of hair loss due to male pattern baldness and other factors such as frequent chemical treatments or sudden weight change.

The two main causes for this type of female pattern baldness are chronic inflammation and iron deficiency anaemia (iron is essential for bodily functions). Inflammation happens when there’s too much oil on your scalp. This makes cells divide more quickly than normal so they start producing excess sebum which blocks pores. Sebum also prevents moisture from leaving the skin so you’re more chances of getting a bacterial or fungal infection.

Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body leading to insufficient production of red blood cells (RBCs) which transport oxygen around the body. The low level of RBCs means less oxygen transported, and so hair growth slows down or stops completely as there’s no longer enough fuel for them to function properly.

In both cases, it may be necessary to see your doctor who can prescribe treatments such as medications that help stop inflammation or supplements like vitamins B12, C and D, Folic acid with Vitamin B-complex which will gradually restore levels back up again.

Another option is laser therapy where lasers are used on areas suffering from chronic inflammation and excess sebum causing hair follicles to get damaged quickly.

What is Pregnancy Hair Loss?

Pregnancy hair loss is a temporary form of alopecia areata, and will eventually grow back after giving birth. This condition can be exacerbated by medication, stress, or poor nutrition.

The medical term for pregnancy-related hair loss is teloptosis temporalis capitis et parietalis (TTPC). It can be reversed without any treatment. But we may need treatment if it extends for longer than a few months or hair-fall is excessive.

What is generalized (diffuse) hair loss?

Diffuse hair loss is the type of hair loss that affects more than just patches or one part of your body. It’s often caused by a hormone imbalance, stress, pregnancy or menopause. You can get it at any age and in both sexes; however, for most people diffuse thinning (or baldness) will happen first on top of their head before affecting other parts of the body such as your beard area.

People with generalized thinning usually have fewer hairs growing where they used to be thickest – like on top of the scalp- instead, there are lots scattered across elsewhere on the head which makes them appear thinner overall. Often this is described as ‘thinning’.

What are the myths about hair loss?

-If I shave my hair, it will grow back thicker. FALSE

-You can’t prevent hair loss if you are a woman. FALSE

-In the shower, if your head is pointing down and water hits your scalp, this causes damage to that area of your skin and makes hair fall out more. TRUE but only in certain cases (like when you have lupus)

Some other myths of hair fall are

Easy ways to Prevent hair loss.

Here are some tips:

-Don’t use a blow dryer on wet hair, which can cause frizz and breakage. Instead, towel-dry your locks.

-Avoid brushing too often or with too much pressure (which can lead to scalp damage), but instead gently comb through strands from root to tip while in the shower for optimal moisture retention.”

-Eat foods rich in biotins like cauliflower, eggs, bananas, salmon and avocados”

-Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible. This will help avoid the trauma that leads to inflammation and breakage.”

-Keep your hair products in the back of your head to avoid pulling on them.

-Consider using low heat styling tools, such as a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment or hot airbrush. Avoid curling irons, flat irons, and any other heated tool that can damage the delicate cuticle layer of the hair strand.”

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, Diabetes can cause hair loss. The root cause of hair loss in diabetes is the same as with other causes – it’s when cells don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients. The reason for this could be because your body isn’t producing insulin, or because you’re not getting enough glucose to fuel these cells (either from food or medications).

Are there complications/side effects of hair loss treatment?

Yes, there are a number of ways that hair loss treatment can have complications and side effects. This is largely due to the fact that for many people with hair loss in their 30s or later, it’s not caused by an illness but rather genetics – something we cannot change.”

Minoxidil can irritate your scalp and cause dryness, scaling, itching and/or redness. Consult a dermatologist if this happens! If you apply Minoxidil to other areas of your face instead of the hair follicles on top of your head like cheekbones or forehead then it will eventually grow there too- wash after application for safety.

-Minoxidil can lead to a variety of side effects. Some people may experience dry skin, itching or redness at the site of application. Others notice temporary hair loss on other parts of their body, an effect called “recanalization”. Headaches and facial flushing are also possible reactions to using Minoxidil for few days. Minoxidil is also known to cause hair growth in unwanted areas, like the upper lip or ears.

-A few people may experience swelling of their scalp after applying Minoxidil to a bald area. This is called “localized oedema”. It’s advisable not to use it on your head if you’re experiencing this side effect because it could lead to more severe issues.

-The FDA has approved Minoxidil to stop the progression of male pattern baldness and for treating general thinning or shedding of the scalp’s hair, but it is not recommended as a drug treatment for female pattern baldness. It works by stimulating blood flow to the follicles on your head, which can cause

What can I do about traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss that can be caused by prolonged stress on the same follicle. This most commonly happens to people who continuously use tight hairstyles, such as braids or ponytails, for months at a time. The roots of the hairs are pulled so tightly from their natural position in your scalp. The easiest way to prevent Traction alopecia is to take breaks from tight hairstyles and to limit the time spent wearing them.

Meet our Homeopathic specialist for hair-fall treatment to get a detailed evaluation and best homeopathic treatment options, also get all your queries cleared regarding your type of hair loss and treatment for hair loss.

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