7-Steps To Increase Your Sperm Count Fast

Increase your sperm count fast with these easy to follow steps. The number one reason men loose sperm count is because of stress. That’s right—stress.

When you hear the word “sperm count” you probably think about erectile dysfunction (ED), low sperm count or maybe infertility.There are tons of myths out there about sperm count—like that if you masturbate a lot you won’t be able to produce enough sperm. If that’s true, then men shouldn’t be having sex!

If you’ve had trouble getting your sperm count back up after taking a break, you might want to try some of these tips.

Getting your sperm count back up can seem like a daunting task. Luckily, it’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be.

 Learn the 7-step process for getting your sperm count back up.

To help you get your sperm count back up to par, we’re going to talk about some common myths about sperm production and what you can do to improve your overall health.

The first step to increasing your sperm count is knowing that it’s a possibility. Men who believe they have low sperm counts should talk to their doctors about the options. It may be worth a visit to the doctor to get tested and to see if the cause is medical. If there is an underlying reason, like a chronic medical condition, doctors are better equipped to treat it.

Natural Remedies for Low Sperm Count

The first step is to speak to our specialist to understand how our Homeopathic medicine can increase your sperm count.

The next step for you is to start a Welling Homeopathy treatment. We’re First and the largest Homeopathy infertility clinic in the world with satisfied patients from 108 countries. The customized Homeopathy treatments for low sperm count have been effective over the last 18 years, and there are no side effects and it’s hormone-free.

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7-Steps To Increase Your Sperm Count Fast

Start out healthy: take care of your overall health

Many people don’t realize that nutrition plays a big role in fertility. In fact, nutrition experts say that many of the lifestyle habits that we engage in on a daily basis can affect our quality of sperm and the overall fertility of our body. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to low sperm counts is stress. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed with work or your relationships, you could be affecting your fertility. Here’s the truth about men’s health: a healthy diet, regular exercise and stress management can keep sperm count high and help you feel better about yourself.

Stop eating processed foods

The risks of consuming a lot of junk food is no secret.The second piece of advice on this list is to cut out processed foods. Not only are they highly refined and not as nutrient dense as whole foods, but they’re loaded with added sugars and additives that aren’t healthy. Most of us know to avoid highly refined foods—think sugar, white flour, and highly processed grains.

But did you know that there are many other foods that contain added sugars? Some of these include juice (not 100 percent juice), dried fruit, pasta, bread, cake, chips, cookies, yogurt, granola bars, cereals, and pastries. When these are included in your diet, they add up quickly and are very high in sugar and calories. These should definitely be avoided.

Cut back on alcohol

A study published in PLOS One showed that men who abstained from drinking two days a week had higher sperm counts than those who did not. The study focused on a group of men aged 20-40 years old and involved a two month trial of alcohol abstinence.

Men who drink alcohol regularly face lower sperm counts, according to research published in Human Reproduction Update. Excessive alcohol consumption could lead to low sperm counts because the amount of male hormones in the body increases during drinking.

There is no safe level of alcohol consumption when it comes to semen quality, and even if you never drink, the small percentage of sperm cells that are created during adolescence may be damaged by exposure to alcohol.

Drink at least 2 litre of water per day

A new study finds that men who drink more than 1 litre of water a day may produce more sperm than those who don’t.

Sperm count depends on two main factors – quantity and quality. Men whose semen contains too many immature cells may be at risk of having low sperm counts. The testicles produce millions of mature sperm each month, and many of these are released during ejaculation. However, only about 100 million of them make it into the seminal fluid, so a man’s sperm count can fluctuate greatly over time. This means that even if the sperm count is high one month, it could be low the next month. Men should take care to drink enough water throughout the day to keep their testicles hydrated and healthy.

Avoid coffee, caffeine and sugar

Some of the most widely known fertility tips focus on the effects of coffee, caffeine, and sugar, but there’s a lot more to consider than that. There are many reasons why these three things can lower sperm counts.

Caffeine is bad for sperm count, but not because caffeine affects the sperm directly. Caffeine is linked to a drop in sperm quality due to it’s effect on testosterone levels. If you are a heavy coffee drinker, it may be prudent to cut back on your consumption to help with this problem. On the other hand, there are natural ways to boost sperm counts if you’re looking to give your sperm a leg up.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintain a healthy weight to increase sperm count. Men who maintain a healthy weight typically have more sperm than men who are overweight or obese. Additionally, having a normal BMI — between 18.5 and 24.9 — appears to be related to higher sperm counts. Men who are over 25 years old have the lowest sperm counts.

One thing that affects male fertility is your waistline. Men who are obese may have fewer than 300 million spermatozoa in their semen, while men with a normal body weight typically produce about 1 billion spermatozoa in each ejaculate.

Call +91 8080 850950 to see our expert or to consult and order our speciality homeopathy treatment to increase your sperm count fast.

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