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Are Indian Couples Ready For Donor Sperm & Eggs?

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Infertility in India has long been an issue burdened with social stigma and emotional distress. Traditionally, female partners were blamed first for difficulties in conception. However, with the evolving understanding of the issue, recent decades have seen growing recognition of male infertility, and infertility itself is now viewed as a shared challenge needing medical attention1.

Are Indian Couples Ready For Donor Sperm & Eggs?

A Rising Infertility Rate and Its Causes

According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR), approximately 10-14% of Indian couples are now grappling with infertility. This issue is growing more prevalent in urban areas compared to rural ones, driven by sedentary lifestyles, alcohol and drug addiction, and environmental factors. Low sperm count and reduced egg reserves are significant factors contributing to this problem1.

Moreover, increased instances of health conditions, including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD), Diabetes, and Thyroid disorders, which adversely affect fertility, are also seen. As a result, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is predicted to become more widely accepted in urban India1.

If You Don’t Want Donor Sperm & Eggs?

Wondering how Welling Homeopathy can guide you towards natural conception? Here’s a simplified explanation!

As the world’s leading Homeopathy Infertility Clinic, we’ve successfully served couples in 108 countries and helped couples who didn’t want to opt for donor sperms and eggs. Our experience speaks volumes about our commitment to help you achieve successful natural pregnancy.

  • Our treatments are specifically designed for either the husband, wife, or both, targeting the primary causes of infertility.
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. A significant portion of our patients (60%) usually come to us after an average of two unsuccessful IVF cycles, with a goal to conceive naturally.
  • Our services are affordable and oriented towards facilitating a quick and natural pregnancy
  • We use gentle, non-hormonal treatments that are devoid of side effects, ensuring safety for both potential mother and the baby.
  • We’re proud of our success rate which is as high as 65% after the initial six-month treatment cycle. However, please keep in mind that age can possibly influence treatment outcomes.
  • Our customized Homeopathy medications address the root causes of men’s and women’s infertility, resolving obstacles to pregnancy and swiftly paving the way for natural conception.

Our team of experts will assist you to appraise your natural pregnancy potential using our unique Homeopathy Assisted Reproduction Therapy.

IVF: A Beacon of Hope amidst Infertility

Despite the widespread infertility issues, IVF was not widely accepted a decade ago due to the cloud of stigma and misconceptions that surrounded it. Today, however, this trend is changing, especially in metropolitan areas of the country1.

Infertility treatments such as IVF not only provide hope for couples who wish to conceive, but also offer options for those keen on delaying parenthood or preserving fertility due to certain medical conditions1. Furthermore, for couples wherein one partner is unable to produce eggs or sperm, IVF offers a viable path to parenthood through the use of donor gametes1.

Making the Leap to Donor Eggs and Sperm

Though IVF’s acceptance has grown, couples in India exhibit differing attitudes when it comes to using donor eggs or sperm. Studies reflect that men are generally more receptive towards egg donation than sperm donation, while women exhibit similar acceptance rates for both1.

Despite this, the process usually remains secretive due to an underlying desire to maintain presumed social and biological ties within families1. However, with an increasingly progressive approach, there’s a simultaneous rise in couples specifying their preferences regarding egg and sperm donors on factors such as education, physical appearance, and even eye color1.

Future Direction for Donor Sperm & Eggs

The burgeoning acceptance of donor eggs and sperm indicates a shifting attitude and the potential for wider adoption of this innovative fertility solution in the country. The rise in same-sex marriages and societal acceptance of LGBTQ+ couples further amplifies the demand for donor gametes1.

In conclusion, battling infertility no longer needs to be a quiet struggle endured in solitude, given the medical advancements and growing acceptance of methods like IVF, donor eggs, and sperm. Comprehensive counseling, mental preparedness, and support from loved ones can make this journey smoother and contribute to a more inclusive dialogue around these topics in the ongoing fight against infertility1.


  1. “Combating Infertility through Donor Sperm & Eggs – Are Indian Couples Ready?”, by Dr. Priti Gupta, Economic Times Health World, source ↩2 ↩3 ↩4 ↩5 ↩6 ↩7 ↩8 ↩9 ↩10 ↩11

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